3 Hot Tips To Make A Woman Approach You Now

Learning how to make a woman approach you could completely change the way you date. In the past, I missed out on lots of opportunities to meet beautiful women, because I was too scared to make the first move.

I could never think of any good pick up lines that didn’t sound cheesy. Consequently, I would stubbornly refuse to risk embarrassing myself, and wait for her to break the ice.

Of course, all too often, this never happened and I would finish the night drowning my sorrows and lamenting my lack of confidence.

If you are anything like I used to be, you are keen to project a sophisticated image and avoid coming across as too keen at all costs.

You will be aware that this approach usually requires the woman to do all the running, rather the other way round.

I found that a good way to keep my suave demeanor and still attract women, was to make myself known to everyone at the bar or social gathering I was at.

Try this technique and you will not be disappointed. You have to make yourself accessible and not totally aloof, so that women don’t feel too intimidated to approach you.

This really increases your chances of success when the time comes to make a woman approach you.

Keep Busy and be Personable

These days, at parties, I always give the impression that I have somewhere to be. This allows me to navigate the venue and meet everyone who is there.

My best advice is to act as if you are the ‘host with the most’: You should constantly find something to check on, or someone to talk to.

Try engaging in some playful flirting and casually greet everyone you see. This will increase your profile throughout the venue, and make women more likely to engage you in conversation.

You have to proceed with caution though. Acting too friendly with people can be off putting, if you overdo it. Learning how to make a woman approach you is all about subtlety.

Always be polite and treat everyone with respect. Make it clear that your intention is only to ensure that everyone is enjoying themselves.

Whenever I get to a venue early on an evening, I chat to the bar staff if possible.

What usually happens is that, later in the evening, the staff repay my friendliness by tossing a few free drinks and other favors my way. Inevitably, everyone present appreciates these gestures and attributes them to my personal magnetism.

Trust me when I say that this never fails to make a big impression on the eligible females in attendance.

A Good General Always Chooses his own Battleground

Believe it or not, you can improve your social status leaps and bounds, just by selecting the right location to stand at the bar.

It is important to come across as an affable guy, who everyone knows and respects at the conclusion of the evening. You should do this, whilst projecting your manly charm.

Then, the women who have noticed your charismatic presence will feel sufficiently comfortable to talk to you.

Bear in mind that your aim is to become known by everyone at the party, or in the bar.

This means that you should speak to everyone, even if there are some people present who you would not normally speak to (or even actively avoid).

I always go out of my way to speak to as many people as possible. You might believe that the hot lady in the sexy dress will not give you a second glance.

However, I usually find that, if I am friendly and outgoing, hot ladies are attracted to me, even if they find it difficult to approach me. Learning how to make a woman approach you is about confidence.

The point here is to show that, although you are outgoing, personable and charming, you are not stuck up or pretentious.

I dress and act suave and sophisticated, but I always chat to everyone present. This way, the women I want to get to know better feel like they can trust me.

You Only get one Chance to Make a First Impression

If your physical appearance is too run of the mill, your hobnobbing, greeting, flirting and running around will not get you properly noticed.

You need to be easily recognized and you want to make a positive impression on everyone. Personally, I try to avoid going over the top with this: In terms of fashion, I never wear anything too outlandish.

I choose outfits that fit my character and communicate my style to the group. You should accentuate your positive characteristics.

Perhaps you could try dressing a bit more smartly than the other people present. This will boost your sex appeal and separate you from the crowd slightly.

As mentioned above, you need to think of yourself as the ‘host with the most’. However, in order to do this, you need to be comfortable being the center of attention.

Whether you require a few rehearsals to get in the zone, or a shot of whiskey to set your juices flowing, when the time comes to deliver you have to be up for the task.

When carried out correctly, with swagger, confidence and charm, all the women in the venue will want you to take them home.

At this point, obviously, all you need to do is make your choice.

It Takes Practice to Make a Woman Approach You

Over time, I have honed the above techniques down to a fine art form. With practice, you can do the same and you will instinctively know how to make a woman approach you, depending on the situation.

After I’ve attracted the attention of a woman I like at a party, I flirt with her to build a rapport and make her fancy me.

I keep hobnobbing with different people and projecting my larger than life personality. Also, I make sure to send any free drinks I manage to get from the bar staff to the specific woman I am interested in.

Don’t panic if there are several women you are attracted to. By now, you should have the social prowess to charm the pants off more than one woman.

Bask in your temporary hero status as the guru for hip party goers, and the object of desire for every single lady.

When it comes to learning how to make a woman approach you, remember there is no single path to success – keep trying to find what works for you.

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